Phase 1 Deliverables and Milestones

IS-ENES3 Phase 1: Deliverables and Milestones

Title | :—-:|:——–:

D2.2 - Policy position paper on “Climate data needs in support of the EU Climate Adaptation Strategy”
D2.3 - ENES First Prototype Summer School on Earth System Modelling
D2.4 - Foresight position paper on the “ENES strategy and its implementation plan”
D2.5 - Science Policy delivery of “The ENES Strategy and its implementation Plan”
D2.6 - Final plan for the use and dissemination of foreground
D3.5 - The suite of reference workflows
D3.6 - Remarks to a Unified HPC Environment
D3.7 - Final and comprehensive report on virtual ESM Resource Center
D3.8 - Report on Training Sessions
D4.3 - OASIS complete web site accessible via the v.E.R.C. portal (WP3)
D4.4 - CDO complete web site accessible via the v.E.R.C. portal
D4.5 – web NEMO configurations database filled up by NEMO team
D4.6 - ESM revised documentation following the full CIM metadata
D4.7 - OASIS Dedicated User Support
D4.8 - web NEMO configurations database filled up by NEMO team and partners
D7.2 - Fully parallelised and optimised version of OASIS4 answering needs of current coupled climate models
D7.3 - Reference implementations of Parallel I/O and of I/O Server
D7.4 - OASIS3-MCT parallel coupler
D7.5 - Reference implementations of IO server combined with Parallel I/O
D8.1 - Report on the Definition of the Evaluation Suite
D8.2 - Report on the Description of the Evaluation Suite and Base-case Results
D8.3 - Towards Flexible Construction of ESMs using BFG
D8.4 - Final Report on Portability and Performance in IS-ENES ESMs
D8.5 - Towards Flexible Construction of ESMs using BFG, Final Report
D9.1 - Report on evaluation datasets, methods and problems from a survey of European ESM groups
D9.4 - Report on the pilot study on the implementation of evaluation toolkits on CNRS-IPSL ESM output
D10.1 - Report on CIM dependencies
D10.2 - Data policy and software review
D10.3 - Operational service package
D10.4 - User service package
D11.1 - Final description of selected Use Cases including user requirements specification
D11.2 - Baseline documents on e-resources/tools and transverse themes
D11.3 - The e-impact portal Software Requirements/Architectural Design/ IO Specification
D11.4 - Software Code and e-impact-portal full documentation
D11.5 - Report and manuscript journal paper on key characteristics for a prototype of an e-based pan-European climate data service network