Software Tools

Common Software Tools

Short descriptions of a range of software tools

Here you find an overview of widely used software tools developed and/or maintained in the frame of the IS-ENES projects. Some additional support services are offered by the Centre of Excellence ESiWACE and explicitely indicated.

By clicking the Title you will find a short description of the corresponding tool with its essential details, the support service provided and links to the homepages.


  • CDO post-processing: services include running CDO helpdesk and webserver, and maintaining up-to-date documentation and FAQ on CDO home page.
  • OASIS coupler: services include easy access to OASIS software sources and personal help to efficiently use the software. The OASIS homepage also offers documentation, tutorial, FAQs and user forums.
  • ESMValTool evaluation tool: services access to the tool, helpdesk, personal help and training activities. ESMValTool homepage
  • Cylc metascheduler: services include access to the tool, helpdesk, personal help and training activities. Cylc homepage.
  • XIOS IO server: services include access to the tool, helpdesk, personal help and training activities. XIOS homepage)

For details, please refers to the tools homepages.

TitleDescriptionContactLeading Institute
CDOClimate Data OperatorsRalf Müller: ralf.muller@dlr.deMPI-M (Germany)
CylcA Python based workflow engineDavid Matthews (UK Met Office): (New Zealand) - UKMO (UK)
ESMValToolA community diagnostic and performance metrics tool for routine evaluation of Earth system models in CMIPHelp desk: esmvaltool@listserv.dfn.deDLR (Germany)
OASISThe OASIS couplerSophie Valcke: valcke@cerfacs.frCERFACS (France)
XIOSXML-IO-ServerYann Meurdesoif: yann.meuredesoif@cea.frIPSL (France) - CEA (France)