


IS-ENES3 Eastern Europe Spring Schools on Climate data and Impact assessments (17-19 May 2022)

IS-ENES3 Data Science Summer School (01-07 Sep 2022)


IS-ENES3 Virtual clinic on bias-adjustment of climate model data (14-21 Oct 2021)

XIOS training sessions (15 Mar 2021 - 16 Apr 2021)

Online Training on Data Analytics: How to skip high-volume data transfer and access free computing resources for your CMIP analyses (08-09 Mar 2021)

Second and Third IS-ENES3 virtual Autumn School on Climate data use for impact assessments (03 Mar 2021 - 14 June 2021)

First IS-ENES3 virtual Autumn School on Climate data use for impact assessments (04 Nov 2020 - 10 Dec 2020)

1st Webinar of the demonstration of the Climate4Impact portal (16 Sep 2019)

EMS 2019: Second demonstration session of the Climate4Impact portal (12 Sep 2019)

EGU 2019: First demonstration session Climate4Impact portal for the IS-ENES3 project (09 Apr 2019)