


7th ENES HPC Workshop (09-11 May 2022)

IS-ENES3 at EGU2022 (23-27 May 2022)


2nd Technical ESMValTool Workshop 2021 (23-25 Nov 2021)

IS-ENES3 virtual 2nd General Assembly (04-06 Oct 2021)

IS-ENES3 virtual First General Assembly (25-27 Mar 2021)

Workshop Climate Indices-Eastern European perspective (27 Sept 2021)

2021 Climate and Forecast Conventions (CF) Workshop (21-23 Sept 2021)

IS-ENES3 Virtual workshop on requirements for a fast and scalable evaluation workflow (18-19 May 2021)

1st Technical ESMValTool Workshop 2021 (04-06 May 2021)

IS-ENES3@EGU2021 (19-30 Apr 2021)

Joint IS-ENES3/ESiWACE2 Virtual Workshop on New Opportunities for ML and AI in Weather and Climate Modelling (16-18 Mar 2021)

4th Climate4Impact Coding Sprint (28-29 Jan 2021)

7th Technical ESMValTool Coding workshop (24-26 Nov 2020)

5th Workshop on Coupling Technologies for Earth System Models (21-24 Sep 2020)

3rd Climate4Impact Coding Sprint (16-17 Jun 2020)

IS-ENES3 webinar on the Access on CORDEX and CMIP6 climate data (15 Jun 2020)

The 2020 Climate and Forecast metadata Convention (09-11 Jun 2020)

IS-ENES3@EGU2020 (04-08 May 2020)

IS-ENES3 Kick-off Meeting (09-11 Jan 2019)

6th Technical ESMValTool Coding workshop (09-12 Mar 2020)

2nd WP10 Coding Sprint Workshop (05-07 Feb 2020)

IS-ENES3 and ESGF Virtual Workshop on Compute and Analytics (02 Dec 2019)

ESGF Future Architecture Workshop (05-07 Nov 2019)

5th Technical ESMValTool Coding Workshop (14-17 Oct 2019)

Workshop “Defining a cutting-edge future for sea ice modelling” (24-26 Sep 2019)

Climate4impact 1st Coding Sprint (17-21 Jun 2019)

4th Technical ESMValTool Coding Workshop (03-06 Jun 2019)

3rd Technical ESMValTool Coding Workshop (06-08 Feb 2019)