Phase 2 Deliverables and Milestones

IS-ENES3 Phase 2: Deliverables and Milestones

1D1.1 - RP1 report
2D1.2 - RP2 report
3D1.3 - RP3 report
4D2.1 - Update of ENES governance rules
5D2.2 - 2nd European School on Earth System and Climate Modelling
6D2.3 - White paper on ESM evaluation needs and infrastructure
7D2.4 - 3rd European School on Earth System and Climate Modelling
8D2.5 - ENES governance report on software sharing
9D2.6 - Update of the ENES infrastructure strategy
10D2.7 - Final version of ENES portal
11D3.1 - Report on the technology tracking
12D3.2 - Crossing the Chasm: How to Develop Weather and Climate Codes for Next Generation Computers
13D3.3 - Report on common radiation code
14D3.4 - Report on NEMO and ICON models re-design
15D4.1 - Configuration management initial workshop report
16D4.2 - Workflow Solutions Initial Workshop Report
17D4.3 - Coupler Governance model document
18D4.4 - Meta-data capture final workshop report
19D5.1 - ENES Data Service Infrastructure requirements and recommendations
20D5.2 - Assessment of impact communities’ requirements
21D5.3 - Report on basic data access protocols and data quality control
22D5.4 - ENES Data Service Infrastructure requirements
23D6.1 - Report on access rights for CMIP5 and CORDEX for commercial use
24D6.2 - Report on needs for climate services
25D6.3 - Prototype master classes for SMEs and corporates
26D6.4 - Report on Collaboration between ENES and HPC companies
27D9.1 - HR ESM Initial performance analysis
28D9.2 - HR ESM performance resulting from OASIS updates
29D9.3 - Assessment report on Autosubmit, Cylc and ecFlow
30D9.4 - CDI-pio & XIOS I/O servers compatibility with HR climate models
31D9.5 - CDO performance analysis
32D9.6 - Multi-model multi-member integrated simulation: computing performances of a demonstrator and other single high-resolution climate models
33D10.1 - Documentation on benchmarking framework
34D10.2 - Interim report on status of benchmark suite
35D10.3 - Report on benchmark suite for evaluation of coupling strategies
36D10.4 - Report on the suite of base benchmarks and analysis of performance on available platforms
37D11.1 - ENES Data Activities: Delivery Plan
38D11.2 - Report on Climate4impact portal, version 1
39D11.3 - Report on service monitoring and dashboard
40D11.4 - Formal documentation for CMIP6
41D11.5 - Report on Core Services Package, Version 2
42D11.6 - Report on derived products in CLIMATE4IMPACT