Work Package 3 (WP3)

WP3 (NA2): Community Engagement

WP3/NA2 aims at further engaging with the community of users of IS-ENES services. This will be done through widening the user base through training, engaging the community in co-constructing standards and expressing needs, and engaging the younger generation in interdisciplinary approaches. Target users will be the climate researchers and the vulnerability, impacts and adaptation (VIA) researchers. WP3/NA2 will also target societal innovation through the emerging climate service providers.

The first objective of this WP is to widen the IS-ENES user community especially toward new science, as well as towards industry and societal users, strengthening the innovation dimension of the IS-ENES3 project. A two-way dialogue is sought, aimed at enhancing the responsiveness of IS-ENES3 to communities and developing wider participation, particularly outside of academia. Prominent targets include VIA researchers, the Copernicus Programme and the fast developing climate services industry.

The second objective is to nurture the existing ENES users/stakeholders community creating deeper links and mutual understanding between users and developers via a number of co-construction actions such as workshops and training. One key goal will be to train the younger generation of scientists and climate service experts (keeping the gender balance in mind) via schools, furthering the successful cross-disciplinary network of expertise promoted by ENES for the last 15 years.

The third objective is to expand community standards which serve the ENES community. Standards in Earth system science are numerous and it is key to evaluate which can be used or adapted for IS-ENES use and which need to be developed. The existing standards used by ENES are not necessarily the same as the standards in user communities (e.g. impacts) and a venue for exchanging on these standards is needed to collect user requirement and provide training.

The final integrating goal is to collect user feedback and requirements both from actions in this WP and other WPs as well as dedicated actions to provide a synthesis of technical and services requirements to the project coordination.