Work Package 5 (WP5)

WP5 (NA4): Networking on data and model evaluation

IS-ENES3 third objective requires the dissemination of, and timely access to, data and information of all kinds relevant for the climate research community and a broad portion of the impact community. To that end, WP5/NA4 aims at identifying and when possible defining connections around the data, metadata and “data centric compute” activities in Europe and worldwide.

WP5/NA4 will build synergies around data, metadata and data-centric compute activities in Europe and worldwide, in order to get a scalable, robust, easy-to-operate and cost-effective infrastructure, built on top of state-of-the-art technologies and standards, and an architectural design driven by scientific user needs and requirements. Interoperability with other research infrastructures will represent a key aspect on the work package. For this, WP5/NA4 will strengthen existing relationships at single-institution, European or international level, for example with WGCM Infrastructure Panel (WIP), IPCC Working Groups, Copernicus Climate Change Service projects, EOSC projects, Environmental research infrastructure community.

WP5/NA4 will strengthen the European contribution to the development of the international ESGF data infrastructure influencing priorities on replication strategies, support and access metrics. WP5/NA4 will ensure metadata standards can be sustained within ES-DOC. Coding sprints and hackathons for development groups will develop services and compute-based applications.

Community model evaluation is expected to play an increasingly important role in the ESM model development process. WP5/NA4 will collect current and future requirements over the next decade towards a fast and scalable model evaluation tool. The activity will provide the definition, delivery, documentation, and dissemination of common protocols and standards covering modularity for existing packages, new community diagnostics, and investigation of (re-) usability and of efficient interfaces to map among different languages. This will be instrumental to inform related work in WP9/JRA2.