Work Package 6 (WP6)

WP6 (VA1): on European ESMs and Software Tools

WP6/VA1 will provide an easy access to European Earth system model information and software. Beyond information on the European ESMs participating to CMIP5/6 and their documentation, IS-ENES3 will provide access and service on three European ESMs and the NEMO European ocean model, platform all used beyond their national groups.

WP6/VA1 will continue to provide access to OASIS and CDO software tools. The OASIS coupler software, used by more than 40 climate modelling groups in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and Asia, allows synchronized exchanges of coupling information between components of the climate system. The Climate

Data Operators (CDOs), used by around 150 groups worldwide, are a collection of functions for handling and analysing data produced by a variety of climate and NWP models. WP6/VA1 will also provide access to new services on XIOS and Cylc. XIOS is an HPC library dedicated to data flow management for ESM models, developed in the previous two phases of IS-ENES, and it is beginning to be more widely used in Europe. Cylc (“silk”) is a workflow engine for cycling systems, which orchestrates complex distributed suites of interdependent cycling tasks, with users internationally and increasing adoption in Europe.

In addition to virtual access, a new TNA service, based on a selection procedure, will be set up to allow on-site OASIS support. This service was experienced with success through networking activity in IS-ENES.