Work Package 8 (WP8)

WP8 (JRA1): Models & Tools developments

WP8/JRA1 will improve the NEMO computational performance, mainly for the execution of new high-resolution and complex simulations. It will enhance code scalability by reducing the communication overhead, identifying parts of the code that could be run using single precision while preserving accuracy, and improving I/O performance. WP8/JRA1 will also support the development of the unified European modelling platform for sea ice to be implemented within NEMO by performing in-depth testing, improving modularity and providing documentation.

WP8/JRA1 will further develop community tools: the coupler OASIS3-MCT, the XIOS data flow management tool and the Cylc/Rose tool for the automation of suites of tasks. Developments will improve functionality and performance. Networking and governance will feed back on these activities and inform additional developments and/or slightly re-orient priorities for the maximal benefit of the users.