Data Processing
Tools and Products

Combined with derived products

Data Processing Tools and Products

Data processing tools for experienced users

Advanced data processing functionalities within the ENES data infrastructure

ESMValTool A software for model diagnostics and evaluation. ESMValTool facilitates the characterization of CMIP Diagnostic, Evaluation and Characterization of Klima (DECK) and historical simulations. It is currently implemented in the back-end data processing of the Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS). Web accessible processing capabilities are under development within the ENES infrastructure project IS-ENES3. Information on available derived data products for the CMIP6 can be found here.
Indice Calculation CLIMate (ICCLIM) A software being developed as a back-end tool for the Climate4Impact portal as well as being used to generate climate indices for CMIP6.
Climate Data Operators (CDO)[INTERNAL LINK TO ADD] A collection of command line operators to manipulate and analyze climate and numerical weather prediction model data. Supported data formats are GRIB 1/2, NetCDF 3/4, SERVICE, EXTRA and IEG.
Birdhouse A software framework containing a collection of web processing services. Birdhouse supports institutions to customize the implementation of processing services allowing users to remotely process the institution hosted data from their laptop. It is developed as an open source project that follows the Open Geospatial Consortium standards. It delivers access to hosted processing to the Copernicus Climate Change Service CP4CDS project, among others.

Derived data products

Within the phase 3 of the IS-ENES project the following features will be developed and provided based on the ESMValTool:

  • routine statistics
  • compute services
  • access to derived data products

Visit the dedicated web interface [NEED OF A VALID LINK] to access to the products and services.

See the Models & Tools section [ADD INTERNAL LINK] to find more information for developers.